How Do I Choose When I Sort of Like Both? Using Cursor Tracking to Understand How Consumers Analyze Brand Versus Product Attributes

In every single thing that you do in your life, you are choosing a direction. Your life is a product of choices. Dr. Kathleen Hall Consumers are bombarded with countless choices every day, and our purchase decisions are almost always influenced by a complex web of factors—two of which are product desirability and brand desirability. … ادامه

How to Manage Your Personal Brand

Build a standout personal brand with our research-backed tips. Elevate your brand and career with Edgewood College’s graduate business program offerings. In the bustling marketplace of today’s digital world, where every scroll and click shapes our perception, you may find yourself standing amidst a sea of faces, each vying for attention and recognition. How do … ادامه

Call for Papers | Journal of International Marketing: Digital Platforms and Ecosystems in International Marketing

The business world has witnessed the emergence of new digital technologies and business models in the past two decades. For example, the rise of digital platform business models in retail and IT services has disrupted traditional models, making firms reconsider their business strategies and creating new opportunities for marketers to create value for buyers and … ادامه

Prescription Drug Price Regulations Led to More Marketing for Unregulated Medications

A web companion that extends this research by providing detailed context and results is available here. In countries without universal health insurance or developed health care systems, governments try to make drugs affordable and accessible. For instance, in India, where around 80% of healthcare expenses are borne privately with the majority paid out-of-pocket, the ostensible … ادامه

Marketer’s Guide to Audio 

Busting the Biggest Myths in Media There are a lot of myths about Audio that are holding businesses back from achieving their goals. That’s why we’re thrilled to clear them up and give marketers the latest insights into how to create, optimize and measure their Audio campaigns.  Download The post Marketer’s Guide to Audio  appeared … ادامه

The Value of an Online Retailer Building Their Own Delivery Service

JM Insights in the Classroom Teaching Insights An increasing number of online retailers (e.g. Amazon) are investing billions of dollars in building their own delivery services (ODS) and delivering products to customers’ homes through their own logistics network. ODS not only improves delivery quality but also builds customer trust, which together increases customers’ monthly spending, … ادامه

The Future of (C)TV is Now

This free event is now available for on-demand registration and access through October 29, 2024. Once registered, the on-demand content will become available. When you open your favorite streaming app, you expect exciting updates: frequently refreshed content, an occasional redesign, or even new quality-of-life improvements. What you might not realize is that advertisers see the … ادامه

Do Good and Talk About It! How Financial Valuation and External Reporting of Marketing Assets Benefits Companies

Do you know the financial value of Gatorade’s or Netflix’s customer base? If your answer is no, you are not alone. Firms provide little external information about the financial value of their marketing assets such as brands and customer relationships. It may be time for managers to rethink this approach. Pressure to be accountable can … ادامه

Call for Papers | Journal of International Marketing: Marketing’s Role in the Management of Fast-Evolving Global Supply Chains

Overview Globalization and digitalization have reshaped global supply chain operations (Alicke et al. 2023). In particular, geopolitical disruptions such as the China–U.S. trade war, Brexit, and Middle East tensions have triggered the reconfiguration of global supply chains for many global companies (Bednarski et al. 2023; Henrich et al. 2022). The Russia–Ukraine war has further accelerated … ادامه

Do Photos Complement or Substitute for Text?

Journal of Marketing Research Scholarly Insights are produced in partnership with the AMA Doctoral Students SIG – a shared interest network for Marketing PhD students across the world. A 2018 survey by the Pew Research Center found that an overwhelming majority (93%) of Americans often read customer reviews and ratings when buying a product or … ادامه